Friday, December 31, 2021

Gospel of Luke: Advent - Chapter 22

 This post has taken awhile because; not only is this a longer chapter but there is SO much here.  It's so interesting and important to lean into these passages.  Everything Jesus says is important but notice the things He chooses to express as His death approaches.  In the last chapter we saw how Jesus taught the importance of focusing on Him; not being distracted by temporary/earthly things.  In this chapter I noticed a theme of humility; both exemplified and taught verbally.  I'm going to try to condense my notes and just share a few tidbits but I encourage you to re-read this chapter and prayerfully examine this thought of humility.

This chapter starts out with an example of something Jesus has mentioned a few times; how that we can never serve two masters.  It may seem we can for awhile but in the end we will show which one we truly love and which one we truly hate.  Chapter 22 begins with Judas betraying Jesus...for money.  Judas chose money over Christ.  In 1 Timothy 6:10 Paul cautions Timothy to be careful of this very thing because 

"the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.  It is through this craving that 
some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." 

As we see Jesus preparing his followers we also see that He has prepared every detail of His last few days.  Notice in verses 8-13 how Jesus has prepared for the where and how, He will observe Passover with His disciples.  Verse 13 says "And they went and found it just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover."   During this meal Jesus illustrates His coming death through the cup and bread thus instituting the first Lord's Supper.  In verse 19 He says "This is my body, which is given for you."  In this picture I'm reminded of John 10: 17-18 

"For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life 
that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but 
I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority 
to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. 
This charge I have received from my Father."

Below are a few thoughts on humility:

Humility Exemplified: 
- during the Lord's Supper Jesus serves His disciples
- Jesus will willingly give His very life for those He loves.
- In verse 37 Jesus tells that He will humble Himself so that Scripture will be fulfilled; even in that He will be "numbered with the transgressors."
- We see in Jesus' prayer that it's okay to cry out to God and let Him know what we do and do not want but ultimately we must be willing to surrender our own will to God and follow; even if His will is different than ours. 
- In the midst of being betrayed and arrested Jesus still shows compassion and mercy.  He heals the servant's ear. (vs. 51)
- While being mocked Jesus is quiet.  (I was reminded of 1 Peter 4:19 while reading this.  Jesus entrusted Himself to the Father)

Humility Taught:
- In verse 26 Jesus teaches "But not so with you.  Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves."
- Jesus foretells Peter's denial; but that Jesus has prayed for Peter; that he will learn from this and that Peter will help others by what he learns. 
- When the rooster crows Jesus looks at Peter. In that moment Peter learns a hard lesson of humility. In his pride Peter thought he would do better than the others (see vs. 33) but in this moment Peter's pride is broken and he sees his sin.  

A quick compare and contrast between Peter's testing and Jesus' mocking/betrayal.  Peter needed to be tested so that  he would learn humility; to learn that he can fall just as easily as anyone else.  Peter needed to learn this lesson so that he would be prepared for the tasks Jesus had for him after Jesus left.  Jesus exemplified this humility in how He handled His own betrayal, mocking and trial.  As we study the life and teachings of Jesus we see how He taught, through His words and actions, all that we need for living our lives for Him.  

In this chapter the title of Son of Man is used three times; in verses 22, 48 and 69.  Jesus uses this title for Himself when He is brought before the council.  When the elders, chief priests and scribes hear Jesus use this title they immediately know that He is claiming to be God.

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