Saturday, December 4, 2021

Gospel of Luke: Advent - Chapter 4

 Getting this up very late (but it's still the 4th!) as we were busy today getting our Christmas tree and doing some decorating and baking. Here are the thoughts I jotted down for chapter 4.

Jesus is...

- Full of the Holy Spirit (vs. 1)

- Led by the Holy Spirit (vs. 1)

- Fully human like us; He was hungry (vs. 2)

- Fully knows the Scriptures (vs. 4, 8, & 12)

- Has the power of the Holy Spirit (vs. 14)

- Teacher (vs. 15)

- Raised in Nazareth (vs. 16)

- The fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 61 (vs. 18-21)

- Gracious/Has gracious speech (vs. 22)

- Holy One of God (vs. 24)

- Able to cast out demons/Authority and power over unclean spirits (vs. 35-36)

- Healer (vs. 39-40) *His healing is immediate and complete; notice Simon's mother-in-law immediately got up and prepared a meal. 

- Sent with a purpose; to spread the Good News (vs. 43)

What were your thoughts and/or things you were struck by in this chapter?

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