Monday, December 20, 2021

Gospel of Luke: Advent - Chapter 20

 In chapter 20 there is a lot said about Jesus' authority.  The chief Priests start by questioning Jesus' authority and the chapter ends with Jesus warning about the scribes who claim authority yet deny the truth/Christ.  Here are a few things I jotted down.

Authority of Jesus challenged: (vs. 1-8)

As I read Jesus' response to the chief priests I was reminded of the principle from Proverbs 26:4-5.  In those verses we are told, 

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.  
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes." 

At first glance these verses may seem to contradict each other; but of course they don't, and Jesus interaction with the chief Priests in Luke 20 is a perfect example of this.  If someone is just trying to argue or make you look bad then don't answer them; don't engage in their foolishness.  However, if someone is being a fool because they are trusting in just what they know; they may just be ignorant of all the facts needed, so answer them so that they may see the foolishness of trusting in their own knowledge.  In the Luke 20 passage Jesus doesn't really answer the chief priests because He knows they are just trying to argue.  However, Jesus does question them, so that the crowd can see the limitation of the chief priest's knowledge. 

Parable of the Wicked Tenants:

Throughout time God has sent many messengers, servants, prophets and rulers to the Israelites to declare His authority and for them to follow Him.  The Israelites have beaten, disbelieved and rejected those messengers.  Now Jesus, the Son, has come and they will kill Him.  Because of this God will turn from working through the Jewish people and will move His focus to the Gentiles. 

Paying Taxes to Caesar: 

When asking if they should pay taxes; Jesus asks "Whose likeness and inscription does it [the money] have?"  when they answer "Caesar's" (vs. 24) Jesus responds "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's" (vs. 25)

Now in light of Jesus words think of this:
 - the coin was to be rendered to Caesar because it bore his likeness (vs. 25)
 - we bear the likeness and image of God (Genesis 1:26) and so WE are to render our very selves to God!

The final sections of this chapter focus on Jesus warning His disciples about those who would claim to have authority but really it is a false authority that they claim for themselves.

Summary of Authority:

- Jesus' authority comes from Heaven
- Jesus is the Beloved Son heir to the kingdom of God; He has the authority to rule.
- Jesus has authority over our lives; we are created in His image, we bear His likeness and so we should render our lives to Him.
- Jesus has authority over death.  He is not a God of the dead but of the living because of the resurrection. 

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