Monday, December 20, 2021

Gospel of Luke: Advent - Chapter 19

 Life's busy; some days I will get up the post, other days I'll put two up to "catch up".  While I wanted to post daily here to keep myself accountable I also didn't want it to become a chore or something I rushed through to just check it off the list.  December is obviously very busy.  Part of enjoying the Christmas season is choosing to let the idea of "perfection" go and embrace some craziness this season and be flexible.  One reason I did not get the post up yesterday is because last night was the children's program at our church.  The kids did a great job and we were reminded of the amazing gift of Jesus and the salvation He offers through His blood and grace.  I only snapped one picture; of course I'm a bit biased to the star and the narrator in the red & black tie. 

Now on to Chapter 19.  I found this chapter to be one of contrasts so I'm choosing to highlight those today.


Zacchaeus - (vs. 1-10): Zacchaeus is a rich tax collector who chooses Jesus instead of his riches.  Contrast this with the rich ruler we saw in chapter 18 who wouldn't give up his riches.  Zacchaeus is an example that it is indeed possible for a rich man to enter heaven; he just must choose to find his riches in Jesus. 

Parable of the Mina - (vs. 11-27): Those who wisely use the talents God has given them and invest their lives in service and obedience to God.  Contrasted with those who are foolish and don't accomplish anything for God.

Triumphal Entry - (vs. 28-44): The people are rejoicing as they travel with Jesus into Jerusalem because they believe He is going to establish an earthly kingdom.  Contrast this with Jesus weeping because He knows that Jerusalem will continue to reject His spiritual kingdom and will fall. 

Jesus Cleansing the Temple - (vs. 45-48): The Pharisees are paying close attention to Jesus' words and actions looking for a reason to condemn Him.  Contrast with Jesus disciples "hanging on" His words looking to learn from Jesus so they can better follow and serve Him. 

Titles of Jesus in this chapter:

- Son of Man (vs. 10)

- King (vs. 38)

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