Thursday, December 9, 2021

Gospel of Luke: Advent - Chapter 9

Thoughts on Chapter 9:

Jesus is... 

- The One who sends disciples (vs. 2)

- Abundantly supplies; often more than we need (vs. 17)

- The Christ of God (vs. 20)

- The Son of Man (vs. 22, 26, 44, 58)

- God's Son; His Chosen One (vs. 35)  "Listen to Him!"

- Power over unclean spirits/Healer (vs. 42)

- Knows our hearts/motivations (vs. 47)

One encouragement from today's reading is that Jesus welcomes, ministers to and provides for those that seek Him.  In verse 11 Luke tells how that when the crowds heard that Jesus was at Bethsaida they followed Him.  Jesus welcomed them, taught them about the kingdom of God and "cured those that had need of healing", later He provides food for the crowds.  Looking at this passage I was thinking of how Jesus provided for their emotional needs - He welcomed them, their spiritual needs - He taught them about the kingdom of God, and their physical needs - He healed them and fed them.  No matter what we are facing we need to be faithful in following Jesus because HE is the source of all we need for every area of our lives. 

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