Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Gospel of Luke: Advent - Chapter 1

 Today is our first day journeying through the Gospel of Luke; where we take time each day to read a chapter and focus on what Luke says about Jesus.  I'm also hoping to share a recipe, song or photo in some of these posts that are also related to Christmas.  But first; here are some truths found in Luke 1 about Who this Jesus is...

Jesus is

- Son of the Most High (vs. 32)
- Ruler of Israel forever, from the line of David (vs. 33)
- Son of God (vs. 35)
- Holy (vs. 35)

(the following are from Mary's song of praise: The Magnificat in verses 46-55)

- Mighty
- Holy
- Merciful
- Strong
- Brings down the mighty and exalts the humble
- Fills the hungry
- Helps His servants
- Remembers His promises (faithful & trustworthy)

(these next ones are from Zachariah's prophecy in verses 56-79)

- The One who fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies 
- Savior
- Redeemer
- Forgiver of sins
- Light to those in darkness
- Guide
- Source of peace

One other amazing fact is that the very first person recorded as rejoicing that Jesus came to us was an unborn child; John the Baptist (vs. 41), his joy-filled leaps are recorded before either his mother or Mary's rejoicing is recorded. 

What truths did you find? Were there any that were particularly meaningful for where you are right now? 

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