Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Gospel of Luke: Advent - Chapter 7

 Good evening.  I've mentioned before how much I enjoy using a lexicon when reading Scripture.  One reason is that terms can become so seemingly familiar to us; we hear Biblical terms and have an idea of what they mean.  I've found that so often looking up these words in the Greek give such a richer meaning to the passage.  I'll share my thoughts from Chapter 7 and then dive a bit deeper into one of the words in this passage.

Jesus is...

- the Authority (vs. 8)

- Compassionate (vs. 13)

- Son of Man (vs. 34)

- Forgiver of sins (vs. 48)

So, the term I want to look at a bit closer is the word used for forgiven in verse 48. The Greek word is aphiémi meaning "send away, let go, release, remit, forgive, leave alone, permit to depart".  Earlier in the chapter we are reminded that Jesus has authority over all (vs. 8) and here He shows that authority by forgiving sins.  "Jesus forgives our sins" can become a common phrase but that forgiveness isn't some far off thing; the forgiveness Jesus offers, sends away those sins by His authority, He remits the debt we have accrued due to those sins and makes it so that the sins must leave us alone.  We do NOT have to let those sins back in; we do NOT have to be bound by the shame of those sins, we do NOT have to live in the past.   Here are a couple other verses that talk about the completeness of God's forgiveness..

Psalm 103:12 "As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us." and 

1 John 1:9  "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 

As we celebrate this advent season may we be more aware of the gift that Jesus has given us through the forgiveness of our sins; for salvation, and also for the countless times we sin even as believers.  May we be quick to confess and repent of our sins and always be humbled and grateful for the gift of forgiveness. 

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