Thursday, April 3, 2008

How willing are we to change?

Once again, I've had this blog floating around in my mind but finding the time to sit down and put my thoughts together has been a challenge lately.  Usually by the time the kids go to bed I'm too exhausted to put thoughts together. :)

I've been attending a Bible Study at church and we have been studying the book by June Kimmel entitled "That I may Know Him".  It's a wonderful book teaching the truths of God and showing how He worked in individual lives.  She takes you thru how God worked in Hagar's life, the woman at the well, and Hannah's life.  Right now we are going thru the chapters dealing with the woman at the well.

One of the things we were discussing was how Jesus broke the social "rules" and went thru Samaria.  He showed by His example that we are not to judge or neglect people based on race, history or our social perceptions of them.  In John 4:1-42 this event is relayed and not only did the woman marvel that he spoke to her (Jews did not like the Samaritans and avoided even passing thru Samaria) but his disciples also were suprised that he talked to her.

Jesus saw this woman's great need to believe.  She was a an outcast from the Jews because she was Samaritan and an outcast among her own people (she had been married & divorced 5 times and was now with a man that she was not married to).  How often do we look at someone and think "they would never come to Christ" or not even think of speaking to them because of some sin we know of in their life or because of how we might be perceived among our own friends/social group.  

Not only did Jesus minister to this woman and reveal that he was indeed the Messiah she was waiting for (which was an enormous privilege, seeing as he didn't admit this to many) but He also challenged his disciples to look and see the Samaritans that needed him that needed to be told the good news, that Jesus is the Savior they have been waiting for.  

Many times the Holy Spirit convicts us of something in our life and we may admit it needs to be changed but how many times do we just continue on our comfortable path. One of the most encouraging things to me thru studying this is the realization that the disciples took to heart what Jesus had said and done (Jesus stayed with the Samaritans for two days ministering to them).  In Acts chapter 8 the account is given of how Peter and John returned to Samaria to minister to the Samaritans.  How wonderful for them to minister to and fellowship with these believers, think of how much they would have missed out on if they had not followed Jesus' example to overcome the social barriers and see these men and women as lost souls needing Jesus and then as fellow believers.

I think one of the reasons this truth really spoke to me is that I have recently read a book entitled "Light Force" written by Brother Andrew (the author of "God's Smuggler").  In this book he shares his dealings with the Christian church in Palestine.  Many times we see this region of the world as being all Muslim (who, by the way desperately need Christ and should be in our prayers also) and don't realize that we have brothers & sisters in Christ desperately trying to reach out to those around them with the Gospel.  In one particular chapter it discusses a camp that they have set up where Jewish believers and Arab believers are sent into the desert together to labor and worship together, to break down those social barriers and predisposed ideas and to see each other as brothers and sisters.  What a powerful picture of what Jesus was doing when he went to Samaria!  May we all see each person for the truth of what they are, a soul that Jesus loves and longs for them to come to Him.  What a powerful reminder to always be aware that nothing is impossible with God and that only He knows where a person's heart is!  May we be diligent in sowing the seeds that God has called us to, regardless of who that person may be.

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