Monday, April 1, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 4/1/24

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a wonderful Easter yesterday.  Our Easter celebration always starts on Friday with the Good Friday service at church.  It's always a great time to reflect on what Jesus endured for us.  This year, as part of the service, they shared a powerful poem. I'll link the video below; it really is worth the few minutes to listen, stop and reflect on all that He accomplished for us.

Saturday morning I helped at church for a little bit to set up and prep a few things for Sunday brunch.  After, we took a trip to Bass Pro Shops; it's not close so we don't go often but it's always fun to look around.  Then it was back home so I could bake up an Orange Chiffon Cake for Sunday dinner.  I had never made one before but this was fairly easy and came out nice.  

Sunday was lovely.  Our church does an Easter brunch before service and a baptism service as well.  I was serving in the nursery but we turned on the livestream downstairs so we were able to watch the testimonies and baptisms before doing the lesson with the littles. 

We did a non-traditional dinner of Lamb Saag, Garlic Butter Rice and homemade naan. It was delicious and great to have a team effort preparing the meal. My husband's mom joined us so we visited for a bit after dinner.  Nice and relaxing.

 Jumping on really quick to join in this week's Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom.  

The Weather:

We have finally had some sun again the past couple of days.  It's cloudy today, but the sun is trying to peek through.

Outside my Window:

The sunrise this morning was breathtaking.  I tried to take a picture but of course it doesn't do any justice as to how bright and vibrant the colors truly were. 


Right Now I am:

Taking a minute to sit and blog before getting started with my day.    

Thinking and Pondering: 

Changes that need to be made.  I have not been as good recently about working out regularly (I know, it's on my list every Monday but has not been getting done).  I really want to be mindful of staying healthy and active as we still have a busy life and I love to hike, bike, etc when the weather is nice.  So, I'm praying about specific changes that will help me  since everyone is different in what works for them.  I'd love to hear any tips/tricks that have worked for you.
One thing I'm going to be doing is adding a bit of accountability into this post.  I'm planning to post each week how many workouts I I will say right now...we will be out of town next Monday so I won't have a post next week but I'm adding in the section for this so I don't forget about it.
 Health Goal Accountability:
I did work out today, so yay!  One day for me.

Podcasts I'm listening to this week:
I've been listening to David Platt's podcast; Radical.  I so appreciate his teaching.   I've also listened to some more American History Tellers recently.

On my T.V this week:

Probably will just watch some YouTube as new episodes come out.  I really enjoy Location, Location, Location and also Tasting History.  I've also recently discovered that The National Gallery (Britain) has a channel and they do half hour talks on the art and artists in their collection.

On the Dinner Plate:

Baked Ravioli w/Casaer Salad
On the Menu this week: 

Need to do a menu.  We will be away starting Thursday evening so a shorter week to plan.

What I'm Reading:
Network Effect (Book 5 of the Murderbot Diaries) -This is the first full length book in the series.
Be Confident: Live by Faith Not by Sight by Warren Weirsbe

On my To-Do list today:

Workout ✔
Blog ✔
Weekend cleanup/straighten house


Plans for this week:

Catch up on laundry
Prep and mail packages to college kids
Attend Honor Roll assemblies (2 days)
Prep for time away
Visit Friends in NYC
Go see the eclipse!! (technically next week/Monday) 
Continue to research some things for a possible project
Hopefully meet with school principal about a project I proposed to him.

What I'm Creating:

I finished the Easter dress, just in time!

From the Camera:

We made Resurrection Cookies.  We try to do this tradition each year.  Each ingredient and step are linked to a Scripture describing the events of the Crucifixion and Resurrection. 


Highlight from Last week:

Attending our daughter's band jamboree.  It was great to see all five schools perform together. 
Attending the Academic Bowl and watching our son compete with his team. (District-wide trivia and STEM competition)
Attending the Good Friday & Easter services.
Bible Verse/Devotional Quote:

On My Prayer List:

Family & Friends who are ill.

Kids away at college and kiddos here this school year.

Wisdom in parenting.

Direction, time & diligence for a project.

Peace & the willingness to let go of things that are not mine to carry.

Wisdom for how to deal with difficult things and to trust God with all!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful Easter! Ours was lovely too.

    The crocheted dress came out so pretty.

    And our sunrise was pretty spectacular this morning, too. I guess we have some more snow on the way.

  2. Looks like you had a busy but good week! The dress is lovely. Have a great week
