Thursday, May 27, 2021

Podcast roundup!

 During the past year I've started listening to Podcasts.  I used to enjoy listening to talk radio programs but have moved away from them as it seems, like with everything, they have become very negative.  I like podcasts because 1) I have limited time to listen and want to "redeem the time" and 2) I like being able to choose ones based on subjects I want to learn about more.  So, I thought it would be fun to share some of the podcasts I listen to on a somewhat regular basis.

1) Inside the Pastors' Study - this is the new podcast that our church has started. I've really enjoyed hearing expanded thoughts on messages that have been preached.  They also are working through church history in America and it's been great to learn some of the "whys" for how we do church in the US. *note: the link is for audible but the podcast is available on all the podcast platforms. 

2) Tony Evans - Tony Evans has been preaching for over 40 years.  His podcast episodes are only about 25 minutes so they are great to put on when I'm out running errands around town.  His knowledge of Scripture, cultural issues and passion for teaching others in a straight-forward, practical way are all things I appreciate.  

3) Dan Carlin: Hardcore History - These podcasts are a commitment.  Dan does a ton of research about each topic and each podcast is several hours long.  I'll often put this one on while folding laundry or some other task that will take me awhile; and it still takes several weeks to make it through an episode.  I love history so I find these fascinating.  

4)Bedtime History - Speaking of history; this one is great for the kids.  Each episode is less than 12 minutes and the host speaks in a soft voice.  The episodes often end with a life lesson related to the story or a question for the kids to ponder.  They aren't too "kiddish" and I enjoy listening to them as well. 

5)Crime Junkie - This is one for the older kids/adults.  It's a true crime podcast; often dealing with unsolved crimes.  One of my older kids loves this podcast so we've listened to several. The episodes are fascinating and present a lot of information (and ways to help if you have any tips) but be sure to preview before letting your kids listen; since many kids won't be ready for this one.  There are episodes I skip over since I think they would be too much even for my older kids.  

Those are the podcasts I find myself listening to most often recently.  I'd love to find others so drop your recommendations in the comments. 

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