Friday, May 28, 2021

Global Church Perspectives: Muslim Background Believers

At the Feet of Jesus
(a Bangladeshi worship song by Muslim Background Believers)
*note Isa is the name for Jesus 

At the end of a dark night I came to the feet of Isa.
I found forgiveness of my sins at the side of the cross.
Isa came and lovingly wiped the tears flowing from my eyes,
At the point of death I found hope, I, who was totally hopeless.
For sinners like you and me, He gave his life on the cross.
That glad news we will proclaim in our land of Bangladesh.

In the US we are somewhat insulated from the rest of the world.  We are literally half a world away from most of this planet's people.  As such, it can be hard for us to imagine what it is like for other believers around the world.  How do they worship?  What are their lives like?  

For the past several years I've been very interested in learning about Middle Eastern Culture and the lives of those that live in Muslim countries.  I've read several books on these countries and cultures.  While all of these books have given great first hand insights into these areas there have been five books that have especially encouraged me to pray and to never underestimate how God can and does work in even the most seemingly hopeless and hardest places.  All of these books were written either by Muslim background believers themselves or by missionaries or aid workers who minister to Muslim's directly.  

5 Books to learn about Muslim Background Believers:

1) Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi - This is Nabeel's incredible testimony of how God brought him to faith.  Nabeel has since passed away but has left a lasting insight into the powerful working of Jesus. 

2) Secret Believers by Brother Andrew and Al Janssen - Brother Andrew is best know as "God's Smuggler" as he smuggled Bibles behind the Iron Curtain.  This book details the testimonies and lives of Muslim believers.  It is a powerful reminder that Jesus still uses miracles today to reach people. 

3) Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef - This is Mosab's testimony of how he came to faith.  His father is one of the founding members of Hamas.  You will be challenged and encouraged that no one is too hard for Jesus to reach. 

4) Women Who Risk by Tom and JoAnn Doyle - I just read this book as it's new for 2021.  Tom and JoAnn have been missionaries in the Middle East for many years.  The stories these women share are brutal and heartbreaking but also beautifully show how Jesus meets each of us right where we are.  While reading this I was in tears as I thought what a privilege it is to be able to pray for these women and to know one day we will worship together in Heaven. 

5) A Wind in the house of Islam by David Garrison - I'm currently reading this book (I'm about 1/2 way through).  The song above can be found in this book.  This book is a more broad look at the movements in the different regions of the Muslim world.  It is written more as a formal study of these movements with some history, and personal testimonies interwoven.  Again, it shows the beautiful diversity of how God reaches people where they are so that they proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Savior and work to reach other Muslims. 

Whether it's the Middle East or another culture I would encourage you to read about our brothers and sisters around the world.  You will be encouraged to pray more for them, you will know better how to pray for them, you will find yourself growing to love the family of Christ deeper and you will know better how to reach out to these groups in your own community.

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