Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wordy Wednesday

 I often think that I want to do a weekly "themed" post but as life happens and busyness comes I never seem to stick with the themed posts and I've gotten to be okay with that.  A month or so ago I wrote a post that just shared some quotes from podcasts and other places that God had used to help me focus on Him more.  I wanted to share a few others today.

The first quote is from a YouVersion plan Titled "7 words from the Cross".  It's a 7 day plan and each day discusses one of the statements Jesus made while on the cross.  The 7th day was studying Jesus final statement; "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." (Luke 23:46).  As fully God, Jesus knew that all would be fulfilled as planned but as also being fully human Jesus had to deal with the human emotions too...the temptation to doubt and fear.  The following statement sums this up so beautifully:

"He trusted his Father to catch him as he let go, 
trusting that the holy plan was a good one, 
trusting that his work had been sufficient, 
trusting that the Father's promises of resurrection would come true."

May we trust like Jesus did and surrender; trusting that our Abba Father will catch us!

While listening to Tony Evans preach on the Sovereignty of God this quote stood out to me: 

"The problem is people want God everywhere except on His throne."  

This last quote is a question posed on K-LOVE the other day and one I've been mulling over in my mind.  I'd love to hear your answers to this question as well.

"If fear was not a factor in your decision, what would you do?"

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