Thursday, March 11, 2021

David's prayer & parenting thoughts


The verse above is the current verse on my letter board for the month of March.  As I've mentioned in the past, each month I post a verse in our entryway that contains my "word of the year".  As I was looking into the context of this verse (see my last post for thoughts on keeping verses in context) I was encouraged by what I learned and also the glimpse into David's heart as a father.  I'm so thankful that God used, and still uses, flawed people.  I love reading David's writings because he wears his heart on his sleeve so we get a real look into his thinking and emotions.  Below are 7 thoughts on David's as a father.  How God had grown him in this role and the lessons that are still applicable to parents today.

Lessons on parenting from David: (1 Chronicles 28 & 29)

1) David made mistakes as a parent but here at the end of his reign he shows wisdom and growth in his parenting; he didn't get "stuck" by his mistakes. (read 2 Samuel for more on his mistakes)

2) David provided the materials, information, encouragement, prayers and teaching that he could to help Solomon with the tasks God had given him to do (being king and building the temple) (see 1 Chronicles 28:9-21)

3) David asked others to support his son (29:1-9)

4) David pointed Solomon to God and reminded all those assembled Who the God of Israel is. (29:10-18)

5) David prayed specifically for God to work in Solomon's life. (29:19)

6) David looked at all God had done; His faithfulness, and rejoiced in God's faithfulness and the assurance that He is forever faithful (29:20-22)

7) David saw that Solomon had a unique purpose and path given by God.  He sought to support and prepare Solomon as best as he could.  In the final verses of chapter 29 we see David pass the kingship to Solomon and then die.  David knew that while his life was finite and he wouldn't always be with Solomon; God is infinite. David entrusted his son to the One who has conquered death and would always be with Solomon (vs. 22-30)

May we be praying parents who seek to faithfully serve God,  pointing our kids to Christ, teaching them the truths of the Bible, giving them all that we can, teaching them to stand with other believers, helping each other, and to remember that we serve a faithful God who will NEVER leave us or forsake us! While we can't always be with our kids our Great God is! 

Several months ago I read a post on Instagram that said something to the effect of: No matter what happens in the future, when your children look back at you will they see Jesus?  The lyrics of the song (of course I have to end with a song :) ) "No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus"  speak to this:

If my heart could tell a story
If my life would sing a song
If I have a testimony
If I have anything at all

No one ever cared for me like Jesus
His faithful hand has held me all this way
And when I'm old and grey
And all my days are numbered on the earth
Let it be known in you alone
My joy was found
Oh my joy, my joy

Let my children tell their children
Let this be their memory
That all my treasure was in heaven
And you were everything to me

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