Monday, November 2, 2020

"You Follow Me!"


In my last post I mentioned that I had recently attended a one day women's conference.  The conference included video presentations from several different speakers who each spoke on a different portion of Romans 8.  The variety of speakers, by age, style, etc was wonderful and to see God work through each one to bring a complete message was an important reminder and encouragement that when we put God first and desire for Him to lead He brings it all together.

One of the speakers was Sadie Robertson Huff; several attendees were familiar with her from Duck Dynasty but having never seen the show I was not.  Sadie is newly married and in her early twenties; it was so cool to see her heart for God and her session is one that has stuck with me these last couple weeks.  During her session she went to the passage in John 21 and the interaction that Jesus had with Peter on the beach.  Specifically verses 20-22:

20 Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following themthe one who also had leaned back against him during the supper and had said, “Lordwho is it that is going to betray you?” 21 When Peter saw himhe said to Jesus, “Lordwhat about this man?” 22 Jesus said to himIf it is my will that he remain until I comewhat is that to youYou follow me!”  

Over the past few weeks I keep coming back to this passage and the fact that so many things can distract us from following Jesus.  As in this passage, comparison or even jealousy over what Jesus might be doing in someone else's life can take our focus of Jesus.  In this case, Peter was wondering if John was going to "get more" from Jesus than Peter himself was getting; but I think there are a couple other ways that we can be just like Peter.  

Often times when someone wrongs us we wonder if Jesus will "give them enough" punishment.  We look at people, even other believers, and don't see remorse; they seem to be getting away with sinful behavior and we wonder if Jesus sees how we've been wronged...if He sees our hurt. He has the same message for us as He did for Peter "what is that to you? You follow me!".  So many Scriptures assure us that He DOES see us, He cares deeply when we are hurt but He also knows that the most important thing we can do when other's fail us is to keep following Him.  Trust that He is working in all things even though we may not see it.  One step to following Him when we have been hurt or betrayed is to pray; pray for the situation, pray for the person and then leave them in the hands of Jesus.  Simple..yes...Easy..not at all!  This step of not turning to look at others, but keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, takes trust and humility.  It takes a heart that is surrendered to letting Jesus have control and not trying to "fix" things ourselves.  

As a mom, I've found another distraction can be my kids; and concern for their futures.  I pray for them; I know they are His and yet as they get older I have to remind myself more and more that just as they are unique, their journey with Jesus will be unique.  My responsibility as their mom is not to control or fix everything but to keep following Jesus, to be an example, to pray for them, to lead them as best I can but ultimately to recognize that they are in Jesus' hands not mine and that is a much better place for them.  

This doesn't mean that we don't talk to people that God may be leading us to speak to; or that we just ignore everything going on around us, or that we get lazy in our parenting.  What I think it does mean is that anytime we feel something tugging at us to pull our focus off Jesus we turn back to Him; we make sure that we are still following Him not looking back or around at things He has not asked us to do or things that He has asked us to hand over to Him. 

Another way that we can get distracted is by things.  I think of the rich man who when Jesus called for Him to sell all and follow Jesus (Luke 18:22)  was sad and walked away because the man loved his riches more than Jesus.  

To follow Jesus will mean turning away from other things.  Sometimes from tasks, as with the case when He called the disciples (Matthew 9:9, Mark 1:17), other times it will mean turning from things (Luke 18:22, Mark 10:21) but Jesus promises everything that truly matters to those that will "...deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23) Does He promise it will be easy; no (John 16:33) but He has said it is as simple as choosing to believe and trust Him (John 3:16).

So this week when people or circumstances try to distract you remember Jesus' words "what is that to you? You follow me!"  

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