Sunday, November 1, 2020

Savoring Sundays

As long as this year has seemed it's still hard to believe that it's November already.  As the verse below reminds us we can make plans -- like keeping up with blog posts -- but God ultimately directs our steps and days.  Looking back I see that my last post was in mid-September; which seems crazy to me that it's been that long. 

Since my last post the kids have started school remotely.  So far the school year has gone very well for them.  Over the next several weeks they will all be transitioning to a hybrid schedule which means they will be home three days with remote learning and in school two days.  I'm thankful for the great teachers that are flexing with all of this too and have done an excellent job keeping the kids engaged, learning and still having some fun.  

We've also been enjoying the start to the fall season at church.  Even with the COVID restrictions and guidelines we are able to do some really cool things.  One of these was a ladies one day conference at the church.  It was such a blessing to meet with other women and be encouraged by several different speakers as we watched several sessions from IF: Gathering 2020 (which was filmed in January of 2020) and to see how fitting the messages from Romans 8 were for all we would face this year.  

As this season of Thanksgiving is now here I'm hoping that even with the busyness of the holidays I'll have some time to sit down and blog a few things that God has used to teach and encourage me recently.  I'm also hoping to keep up with some thankfulness posts.  

I'll end with a couple things I'm thankful for today; a slow, relaxing weekend.  After our first snowstorm on Friday we had a cozy day at home yesterday baking and crafting.  Today we went to church and then I was able to order our Christmas cards (crazy that it's that time already!) and put together some Spotify playlists for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons.  

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