Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Busy, Busy, Busy

 The title sums up our last few weeks. Between senior events for our oldest daughter; such as honors night, prom, graduation, graduation party (where we hosted almost 100 people in our home).  Along, with our youngest daughter's end of year Kingergarten show, some tough issues that have popped up for another one of our kids, continuing renovations, a last minute family trip to D.C. and life in general...we have been busy! While I've been keeping up with reading through the Bible many days I've felt rushed rather than relaxing and truly focusing on my time with God.

This morning, while praying about some things, I was prompted to get back into the new devotional I started titled "Having a Mary Heart In A Martha World".  I read the first chapter a week or so ago and did a couple of the study questions but had not finished all the questions.  God knew I needed this lesson today!

A few quotes from the first chapter that I wrote down are:

"Busyness, by itself, breeds distraction."

"In her eagerness to serve Jesus, she almost missed the opportunity to know Jesus."

"While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship."

So, today, like Mary, I chose the "better part" and here are a few of the blessings I was given at the feet of Jesus.

One of the final questions was to read Matthew 11:28-30 and circle any key words.  Not only did I circle them I also chose to look up the original Greek used.  I love looking into the original words as it tends to give me a richer understanding of what the passage is saying.  For example, in these verses there are two Greek words used for rest. 


After looking up the meanings in Greek I will often rewrite the verse in my notes with the expanded definitions in brackets. This was such an encouragement to me and reminder to keep my focus on Christ, on the things that are eternally useful and to rest in Him!

"Come to me, all who [labor until worn out] and are [loaded down, burdened] and I will give you [refreshment for your soul].  Take my [bar that unites us in work] upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and [lowly in spirit relying on God] and you will find [blessed tranquility of soul].  For my yoke is [good, eternally useful] and my burden is [easy to bear, not burdensome]." 

Life gets busy and it's easy to get distracted from what really matters, thinking we don't have time.  I'd encourage you today to take time with the Savior, you will be refreshed and leave that time with a new focus, peace and thankfulness.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your passage written out with the expanded definitions in brackets. So encouraging!! Thanks for sharing in the midst of your busyness. So right, we must take time with the Savior!
