Monday, June 12, 2023

Happy Homemaker 6/12/23

 If you read my last post you know that it's been extremely busy around here.  This week is no different but I'm so happy to be able to join in this week on the Happy Homemaker Monday posts done by Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom   

The Weather:::

Today is gorgeous.  The rest of the week is predicted to be cloudy/rainy and a bit cooler so I'm enjoying the sunshine and 80 degrees today.

As I look outside my window:::

Sunshine and green!

Right now I am:::
Blogging, relaxing a bit after a fun morning helping with field day at the grammar school.        

Thinking and pondering:::
Deciding what to do after this post; lots to do just figuring out the order of things.

On my bedside table:::
Water bottle, phone charger, notecards, multiple books.       

On my tv this week::: 
Probably not much.  I've been enjoying the new season of The Parisian Agency (real estate show on Netflix) so I may watch some of that.

Listening to:::
Guys working in the kitchen, birds singing.        

On the Breakfast plate:::
Nothing today; just got coffee at noon.

On the dinner plate::: 
BBQ Chicken salad

On the menu for this week:::

Teriyaki Chicken and Cauliflower

Buffalo Sweet potatoes and chicken

Sausage, squash and Spinach soup

On my reading pile:::
42 Years in the White House
The Fire Drake by Vanessa Thurgood (this is a short story she published on her blog based on one of her characters in The Comstock Chronicles)
The Shift by Maryanne Connor - this is our summer reading book for mom's group at church.  I've read it before and am enjoying it just as much the second time.

On my to do list today:::
Watch friend's daughter
Pick up oldest

Plans for this week:::
Meal plan and grocery list
Continue with flooring/renovations
Keep up with laundry
Help with field days
Get birthday gift for party on Sat.

What I am creating:::
Continuing some house projects.

From the camera:::

The hallway floor is done!  Just need to put up baseboard.

 Highlight from last week:::
 One of the other Happy Homemaker posts included a section for a highlight from the last week.  I love this idea so I'll be incorporating this from now on.

So, my highlight from last week would be from Sunday, the 4th.  We had my daughter's graduation party and it was so wonderful to see her with her friends and to celebrate all her accomplishments.
Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
The book I mention above; The Shift, is about a woman in Canada who starts a ministry to the homeless.  This quote struck me as so powerful; this takes place as they are just starting the outreach: 
"Before lights out, as people were bedding down, we prayed a children's 
bedtime prayer, "Now I lay me down to sleep..." I was astonished.  Almost
every person in that room sat up in their makeshift beds and joined us in the prayer. 
I'm not sure what shook me most -- that they responded to receiving prayer, or 
that most of them knew it."

In a world where the thinking is often "us vs. them" we need to remember that everyone was once a child, everyone is loved by God and needs Him.  Everything you teach your children about God is important; don't ever think your children are too small to learn about God or underestimate how He may use something in their life.  Who knows how long it had been since the people in that room had heard or said that simple prayer, yet they knew it and responded.  For many, it was the start of a connection with the people in the ministry.

On my prayer list:::

Friends & Family 


It's been nice to jump back in this week.  I hope you all have a lovely week.


  1. Love that floor! Feel free to link me that soup recipe, it sounds amazing!

    1. The soup recipe I'm planning to use is this one: I'm planning to alter it and use pureed squash I had in the freezer, I'll add more spinach than called for and add a can of small white beans. We're also have to be non-dairy so I'll sub some non-dairy milk mixed with a bit of cornstarch for the heavy cream.

    2. Soup recipe looks good. Love the flooring. Have a great week

  2. Your flooring looks great! I'll have to check out that Netflix show, I enjoy seeing the houses. Hope your week is off to a wonderful start.

  3. The flooring looks wonderful! I like the weekly highlight addition too, I may use that next week! I hope you have a wonderful week!
