Monday, September 9, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 9/9/24

I've been wanting to jump back into this weekly post for some time now; the end of summer and beginning of the new school year have been very busy and it seems the weeks just keep flying by.  I'm thankful for a minute or two (which I probably should be using for other things...) to sit and blog

Let's jump right into this week's Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom.  

The Weather:

The weather is sunny and in the 70's.  It's definitely feeling fall-ish in the mornings and warming up throughout the day.  I was joking with one of the girls that this season should be called Layer Season.

Outside my Window:

Sunny, gorgeous blue skies.  Some of the leaves are just starting to change color a bit.

Right Now I am:

Blogging and drinking my coffee before starting the to-do list.    

Thinking and Pondering: 

A lot of different things. A lot of things going on here lately and more fall programs restarting this week.
 Health Goal Accountability:
Haven't been great about doing yoga since the kids started back at school; hoping to get into the swing of this once we are in a good routine. 

Podcasts I'm listening to this week:
None this week.

On my T.V this week:

Probably will just watch some YouTube as new episodes come out.  .

On the Dinner Plate:

Salad with chicken
On the Menu this week: 


Red beans with rice & pork

Salad with chicken


What I'm Reading:
On Bended Knee by Crickett Keeth - study on prayer the women's group is doing through the summer. We are finishing this up this month.
I just finished reading Yet In The Dark Streets Shining: A Palestinian Story of Hope and Resilience in Bethlehem by Bishara Awad; the founder of Bethlehem Bible College.  This is a book that I'm still processing.  It challenges some of the thinking of western Christianity (in a good, Scriptural way) and calls on us to see past our earthly identities of culture and nation and see that all Christians are heirs with Christ and part of the Body.  I highly recommend it!  

On my To-Do list today:

Laundry (working on this)
Blog ✔
Clean up kitchen
Take care of kiddo that isn't feeling well
Pick up kiddos from various places this afternoon


Plans for this week:

Catch up on laundry

PTO Meeting

AWANA Open House

Work on basement project

Drop off donations & get some needed clothes for the girls.

What I'm Creating:

I'm playing around with making an alpine stitch blanket/throw with all the leftover blanket yarn that I have.  I love the look of the alpine stitch and started working with some leftover yarn. I don't like the colors I started with (red & black) since I mostly have neutrals.  So I'll probably start over and just use the neutrals and leave the bit of red and black for something else.  Sometimes it's fun to just play with different stitches and make it up as I go.  UPDATE:  I have started this throw.

From the Camera:

  We had a wonderful family road trip a few weeks ago; I posted several pictures of our adventures in that post.  I haven't really taken any pictures since getting back.  You can see the pictures and read about our adventures in the post Family Road Trip 2024

Highlight from Last week:

Highlights from last week were: watching one kiddo start a new adventure, and celebrating a family birthday.
Bible Verse/Devotional Quote:
 God's Blessing (Genesis 12-22) —

On My Prayer List:

Family & Friends who are ill.

Kids as they get back into the school routines and other fall activities.

Wisdom in parenting.

Direction, time & diligence for a project.

Peace & the willingness to let go of things that are not mine to carry.

Wisdom for how to deal with difficult things and to trust God with all!


  1. I'll have to look up the Alpine stitch. Glad you enjoyed your trip. Hope your little one feels better. Have a great week

  2. Thank you for your honesty. Praying.

  3. That book does sound interesting, I may need to get it. I've seen the Alpine Stitch, it is really pretty, can't wait to see your blanket. Have a blessed week! ♥
