Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 5/13/24

Happy May!   It has been a very busy month so far and looks like it will continue that way.  Our oldest girl came home from college.  It's been great to have her home.  God has provided a summer job for her, in the field she's studying! She started her new job today, so I'm praying it's a great fit. Last week was filled with school activities, our church's AWANA closing program, appointments and prepping for a couples weekend away. 

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!  I came home to a clean house, thanks to all the kids working together;  and fresh flowers from our oldest girl.  

Let's jump right into this week's Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom.  

The Weather:

Another sunny warm day here.  It's supposed to be in the 70s today but then cloudy and back in the 50's for the rest of the week.  Almost the same forecast as a few weeks ago.

Outside my Window:

It's sunny and very green in our yard. 

Right Now I am:

Blogging and drinking my coffee while I wait for laundry to finish.    

Thinking and Pondering: 

Thankful for ways that I've seen God's provision in the last couple weeks.  Continuing to pray about some decisions. 
 Health Goal Accountability:
I worked out a couple times but not as much as I should have.

Podcasts I'm listening to this week:
None this week.

On my T.V this week:

Probably will just watch some YouTube as new episodes come out.  .

On the Dinner Plate:

Some sort of salad with spinach and chicken.  
On the Menu this week: 

Israeli Couscous Salad

Lentil Soup  

What I'm Reading:
Wizard of the Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin (fantasy book, new-to-me author so we'll see how I like it)
Be Confident: Live by Faith Not by Sight by Warren Weirsbe

On my To-Do list today:

Laundry (working on this)
Blog ✔
Make phone call(waiting for call back on this)
PTO Meeting ✔
Pick up kiddos from various places this afternoon


Plans for this week:

Catch up on laundry
PTO Meeting today & Event later this week
Continue spring cleaning the house & yard
Clean out fridge
Lunch with sister & cousins

What I'm Creating:

I finished the cardigan.  It's probably my favorite wearable I've made so far.  The yarn is soft and it fits great. 


From the Camera:

While we were away this weekend we went to see the show Hadestown. It's based on the story of Hades & Persephone from Greek mythology.  It was a good show but not one I'd see again.  One cool thing was that the main instrument was a trombone.  Our girl plays the trombone so it was fun to show her videos we found on YouTube of the opening number.

Highlight from Last week:

The highlights from last week were our girl coming home.  Seeing God provide in incredible ways for her.  The AWANA closing program.  Having a night away.
Bible Verse/Devotional Quote:
I've mentioned before that my word for this year is Faithful.  Last week I wrote a blog post about being Faithful in the Waiting.

On My Prayer List:

Family & Friends who are ill.

Kids away at college and kiddos here this school year.

Wisdom in parenting.

Direction, time & diligence for a project.

Peace & the willingness to let go of things that are not mine to carry.

Wisdom for how to deal with difficult things and to trust God with all!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your time with your girl while she is home. The best Mother's Day gift... a clean house by your kids! Love the cardignan, the color is beautiful. Have a great week
