Monday, July 3, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday 7/3/23

 Jumping on really quick to join in this week's Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom.  Tomorrow is Independence Day here in the U.S.; our town isn't celebrating until this coming weekend but we're still enjoying the extra time together as no one in our house has to work tomorrow.  

The Weather:

 Today is rainy again.  The weather for this week is for more rain!  While we need the rain it certainly makes it hard to plan outings.  

Outside my Window:

Lots of puddles from the rain. Our mulberry tree has dropped a lot of fruit (really wish there was a good way to harvest them!).  Usually we lay out a tarp and shake the tree a few times during the summer to collect berries but this year with all the rain we haven't had a chance.  

Right Now I am:

Blogging, discussing what to bake with a couple of the girls. (Rainy days do make for good baking days)

Thinking and Pondering:

What to do this week. 

Podcasts I'm listening to this week:

Hoping to catch up on Inside the Pastors' Study 

Also listening to Cultivate by Kelly Minter

On my T.V this week:

I'm really enjoying the documentary series Our Planet on Netflix.  

On the Dinner Plate:

Not sure, we've been invited to a relative's house for dinner so most of us will probably head there for a bit.

On the Menu this week:

No idea yet.

What I'm Reading:

The Shift by Maryanne Connor

On my To-Do list today:

Bake with girls
Visit some family later

Plans for this week:

Keep up with laundry.
Put together kitchen after counters are installed.
Continue to go through things and declutter.
Find some fun things to do with the kids.

What I'm Creating:

I finally had time to work on the crochet top some; really hoping to finish it this week.

From the Camera:

This isn't the best picture but it was something God used to change my focus and attitude this past week.  I was having a grumpy morning one day this past week.  As I was doing my morning workout this robin, sitting in the tree outside my bedroom window, caught my attention.  He sat there, head lifted towards the sun and didn't move for several minutes.  I stopped to watch him and it hit me how that this bird's posture was what I needed.  To stop, look towards the Son; Jesus,  and be still for a few minutes; resting in the warmth of His love and goodness; to confess my selfish focus and to focus on Jesus.  Matthew 6:26 also came to mind.

Highlight from Last week:

We celebrated my birthday; which was fun.  A couple people here are not feeling well so instead of going out we bought a few things and had a "fancy" dinner here at home.  It was a fun time.

Bible Verse/Devotional Quote:

I'm going through a Devotional on YouVersion called #Gospel with the younger girls.  We hear a lot about justice & injustice in our world so I found this truth to be timely & encouraging. 

"We yearn for an impartial judge to set things right.  Yet, at the same time, 
a just judge is our doom.  After all, we are imperfect --and Perfection 
cannot overlook imperfection.  
It's only through God's great mercy that we have hope."

On My Prayer List:

Family & Friends who are ill
Direction regarding this blog


  1. Beautiful devotional thoughts from the robin's posture. God is so faithful to teach us lessons in such memorable ways!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, sometimes it's fun to have a "fancy" dinner at home. Hope you enjoy your rainy baking day and have a wonderful week!

  3. Enjoy your 4th! and the following weekend.
