Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Book Review: A Wind in the House of Islam


There are very few books that I would say "every believer should read this" but this book is one of those.  Garrison does a thorough job of investigating the different Christian movements in the Muslim world.  I was challenged in 3 ways by this book:

1) I was challenged to PRAY for our Muslim-background brother's and sisters.  When they choose to give their lives to Christ they know that there is a very good chance they will lose family, community and even their lives.  Yet many choose to stay underground in their communities in order to share Christ with those they love!  What is also amazing to hear is that they speak of such an overarching joy and peace they have in Christ, even in the face of earthly dangers.

2) I was challenged to be more bold in witnessing to others, even those who don't look or act like me.  As Western Christians most of us may face ridicule, rejection of what we're sharing but what is that compared to eternity?  Every unbeliever, including Muslims, in our own communities need Jesus, reach out with His love and kindness.

3) I was also challenged to evaluate how I have let  Western Christian culture invade what the Gospel truly is.  Just because others may not worship like us or may have very different conversion stories does NOT mean that they are not brothers & sisters.  It's ALL about Jesus!  The Gospel is belief in Christ by faith thru Grace (Ephesians 2:8-9) confessing our need and proclaiming Christ as Lord & Savior (Romans 10:9-10)...that's it!  Setting aside our preconceived ideas of what things "should" look like and keeping to the Gospel is so important. 

My heart hurts for what many are facing for Christ but I rejoice in what they are teaching me through their testimonies, I rejoice in the privilege to pray for them and in the knowledge that we will all one day rejoice together worshipping our Risen Savior for eternity. 

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