Sunday, June 7, 2020

Savoring Sundays

As a result of COVID-19, Sunday's have been very different for the past several months.  I'll admit that this day; which was usually my favorite day of the week, came to be the hardest day of the week.  I felt the loss of "normal" the most.  I missed helping to teach the 4 & 5's class, I missed seeing my friends, but most of all I missed worshipping together...hearing voices raised together in praise to our Great God!  

Life is slowly shifting again and our church is now able to meet; with lower capacity and safety precautions in place, but still able to meet.  Since there is no childcare yet we have been alternating who goes to church and who watches the livestream with the younger girls.  Last week I was able to go to church with Ethan and Hailey; to be back at church was great, and yet strange with all the new protocols, but we so enjoyed seeing people and chatting outside for a bit after church.  Today Matt took all the kids except the two youngest girls.  It was great knowing that they were at church; and it has been wonderful for the kids to see other people and again, chat for a bit.  

We can get so used to our routines and what's "normal" that when things are shaken up it's hard.  It's disorienting and yes there can be a grieving process; but there can also be beauty and growth.  We so often say "the church is not the building" yet still get caught up in that thinking.  Over the past few months God has pulled us out of our comfort...literally out of the buildings we meet in; and we truly see that the church is not the building.  Today was communion Sunday and once again the reminder that we are united not by a place but by Christ's Spirit.  There is a beauty in being together; we are designed for community and connection, we need that...for growth, encouragement, strength, accountability, and so much more, but we are also designed for quiet...stillness...reflection.  We live in such a full-throttle, full-calendar, go, go, go time that we often fail to take the time to still and focus on who God is and give Him glory...remembering why we even do all these things.  

As time has gone on I have found a joy and gratefulness in the midst of all that is different, chaotic, and disorienting.  I'm choosing to savor this time and tuck quiet moments away for the future; when our lives return to the busyness.  New songs, lessons from Scripture, moments with the Matt and the kids...and as things open back up I want to remember to savor maybe, just maybe, keep a bit of this stillness in my life.  As we go back to church and all our regular activities I want to remember to savor Sundays. 

Below I thought I'd share a beautiful "new-to-me" song and a picture of one of the moments I want to tuck away (a fun bike ride; Maisie loves her seat that attaches to my bike).

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