I know several people love to read birth stories so I thought I'd post Amy's. I have to admit it was fun for me to poke back thru my blog posts and read Keira & Titus' birth stories. It's amazing how fast they grow and change.
My official due date with Amy was Sept. 26th. I had an appointment that day with my midwife; I was showing no signs of going into labor so we scheduled an appointment for Oct. 2nd and an induction date of Oct. 4th. All thru my pregnancy I kept saying that she would be late as both the other girls came late while our boys came right on their due dates. Amy Jewel proved me right and was born Oct. 1st at 11:02PM weighing 7lbs 14oz and 20 inches.
The morning of the 1st I woke up about 5:30AM with contractions. I had been having a lot of contractions for a few weeks but nothing that was regular enough to time. This time they were about 8-10 minutes apart and uncomfortable enough to wake me each time. They continued like this so before Matt left for work I gave him a heads up that I might be in early labor but that they were still pretty far apart. He decided to go into work and I would just call if anything changed. About 9AM the contractions pretty much stopped. I would have contractions off and on throughout the day but nothing that was regular enough to time (several were 1/2hr or more apart).
By the time I picked the kids up from school my contractions were definitely stronger but still not regular. I ran an errand and then headed home. As the afternoon went on I had a few contractions that I couldn't sit thru. The kids were curious so I explained what was going on and that it might mean that their new sister was on her way. I made dinner and did the normal afterschool/evening routine with the kids.
Matt got home about 6PM and I started timing contractions again just before 7PM. They were about 5 minutes apart so I figured I'd time them for an hour and then see. We were debating whether or not to call my mom and have her come down but because my contractions had spread out so much that morning I wanted to wait. At 8PM we sat down to watch "The Voice". I was still having contractions that were strong (couldn't sit thru them) but they started to space out again and were closer to 10 minutes apart again. At 9PM I decided I was going to head to bed since the contractions would probably stop again and I'd see what my midwife said at my appointment the next morning. Two contractions later my water broke! Since all the kids came within 1-3hrs of when my water broke I knew we needed to head to the hospital. We called our friend Diane to come and stay with the kids until my mom could get down here. I went upstairs to get things together and Matt called my midwife to tell her we were on our way and then called my mom to have her head down. We left our house about 9:30; the hospital is 1/2hr from our house. On the way I continued to have strong contractions and Matt was timing them. He said they were 2-3 minutes apart.
When we got to the hospital I had another strong contraction in the parking lot and we joked about her being born outside. The whole time I was thinking that it would probably still be awhile since my previous labors were all long. We got upstairs and Barbara (my midwife) met us at the desk. I got into the room and hooked up to the monitors so they could check on Amy. I couldn't wait to get out of the bed and labor standing since I find it much harder to handle the contractions when I'm sitting or laying down. Barbara also checked me and said I was 6-7cm and Amy was at -2 (so still pretty high). I was a bit discouraged by this because my contractions were so strong I didn't know if I could labor like that for hours more. I was glad to be able to get out of the bed and labor standing.
After a short time standing the contractions were much more "pushing" contractions. I was still thinking I was 7cm so still a ways to go. I started to lose focus at this point thinking I couldn't labor like this for a long time because I was so exhausted. Barbara quickly got me refocused on breathing/handling each contraction and assured me it wouldn't be long. She was right. Not long after Amy was born. Her apgars were 9 and 10. She was not happy to be out of her warm, cozy home and made it known. When we called family to tell them she was here they could hear her screaming. :)
Since being home she's done really well. She's two weeks old now and starting to figure out sleeping in her crib for a few hours at a time which has really helped me to feel a bit more normal. The other kids love having her here and are a big help.
Having a 5th child was definitely something we never planned or imagined but we're so thankful for our beautiful, healthy baby girl. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and for all the love that has been shown to our family!
My meandering thoughts on parenting, home life and what God is teaching me.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Frugal Recipes
Wow, this might be a record for me; three posts in three days! I've had these posts in mind for ages it's just been a matter of finding the time to sit down and put them together.
One thing that I always seem to struggle with is the grocery bill. We don't eat processed foods very often (more as an occasional treat) so it's very hard to find coupons for what I do buy - which is a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. One thing I have been trying to do is find some good, frugal recipes that are also healthy. One challenge is that we have some dietary restrictions to deal with. Anyway, I recently came across these two recipes and they were both a hit so I thought I'd share. I did make a few modifications (which I've noted below). I also have included a recipe for "cream sauce without the cream" that works beautifully as a substitute for a white sauce. It's non-dairy so a great way to enjoy many favorites without having to deal with digestion/allergy issues.
Creamy Tuna Stuffed Shells
For this recipe I left out the milk, increased the broth to 2 1/2 cups and let simmer a bit longer to thicken. You could also use the "cream sauce" ,that I mentioned above, in place of the milk and flour but I didn't have any on hand and didn't have the time to make it. I used frozen spinach in this and it worked beautifully.
Potato Leek Soup
This soup is great as it's non-dairy but because of the pureed potatoes is very creamy. I left out the marjoram (didn't have any) and added in some garlic powder.
Cream Sauce without the Cream
I use brown rice in this and just let it simmer for 45-50 minutes. This recipe makes about 6 cups and freezes beautifully. I freeze in 2C amounts and just thaw before using. It will separate a bit but as you reheat it just stir good and it comes back together fine.
One thing that I always seem to struggle with is the grocery bill. We don't eat processed foods very often (more as an occasional treat) so it's very hard to find coupons for what I do buy - which is a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. One thing I have been trying to do is find some good, frugal recipes that are also healthy. One challenge is that we have some dietary restrictions to deal with. Anyway, I recently came across these two recipes and they were both a hit so I thought I'd share. I did make a few modifications (which I've noted below). I also have included a recipe for "cream sauce without the cream" that works beautifully as a substitute for a white sauce. It's non-dairy so a great way to enjoy many favorites without having to deal with digestion/allergy issues.
Creamy Tuna Stuffed Shells
For this recipe I left out the milk, increased the broth to 2 1/2 cups and let simmer a bit longer to thicken. You could also use the "cream sauce" ,that I mentioned above, in place of the milk and flour but I didn't have any on hand and didn't have the time to make it. I used frozen spinach in this and it worked beautifully.
Potato Leek Soup
This soup is great as it's non-dairy but because of the pureed potatoes is very creamy. I left out the marjoram (didn't have any) and added in some garlic powder.
Cream Sauce without the Cream
I use brown rice in this and just let it simmer for 45-50 minutes. This recipe makes about 6 cups and freezes beautifully. I freeze in 2C amounts and just thaw before using. It will separate a bit but as you reheat it just stir good and it comes back together fine.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Postscript to a poem
Yesterday I shared the poem titled "The Rose". I love the message behind the words...only God can perfectly orchestrate the events in our lives. In truth though, more often than not I struggle with this. I fight against God. I ask why and I mourn the loss of what I had dreamed.
I know in my head that God's way is perfect, that he has known me since before all time - knows me better than I know myself - yet I still fight. The illusion of control is strong and I want to plan everything, control everything. It's hard to trust! I trust people and they disappoint me, hurt me. The trouble is I tend to put God on this same level, will he hurt me? disappoint me? He takes my plans & dreams and turns them upside down. Can I really trust enough to say "Yes" and wait for Him to reveal how everything has been for my best (even if I have to wait until Heaven?). It's tough to "let go and let God" it's tough to realize that all my "perfect" plans have been thrown out the window and ultimately to realize, once again, that control is just an illusion. I was reading a book recently and came across this quote.
8 “When I passed by you again and saw you, behold, you were at the age for love, and I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness; I made my vow to you and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Lord God, and you became mine. 9 Then I bathed you with water and washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil. 10I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with fine leather. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk, 11 And I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck. 12 And I put a ring on your nose and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. 13 Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour and honey and oil. You grew exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. 14 And your renown went forth among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through the splendor that I had bestowed on you, declares the Lord God.
I know in my head that God's way is perfect, that he has known me since before all time - knows me better than I know myself - yet I still fight. The illusion of control is strong and I want to plan everything, control everything. It's hard to trust! I trust people and they disappoint me, hurt me. The trouble is I tend to put God on this same level, will he hurt me? disappoint me? He takes my plans & dreams and turns them upside down. Can I really trust enough to say "Yes" and wait for Him to reveal how everything has been for my best (even if I have to wait until Heaven?). It's tough to "let go and let God" it's tough to realize that all my "perfect" plans have been thrown out the window and ultimately to realize, once again, that control is just an illusion. I was reading a book recently and came across this quote.
"Lament is a cry of belief in a good God, a God who has His ear to our hearts,
a God who transfigures the ugly into beauty. Complaint is the bitter howl
of unbelief in any benevolent God in this moment, a distrust in the love-beat
of the Father's heart." ~Ann Voskamp
It was a great reminder to me that my complaints are unbelief in God's goodness and a distrust in His love for me. This lead to another thought; if I'm distrusting God who am I trusting in...ultimately myself, my plans...how prideful!
One of my favorite passages of Scripture is in Ezekiel. The Israelites have chosen to worship other gods and God is speaking to them about all He has done for them. How He loves them and why their unfaithfulness is so hurtful to Him. It has been a challenge to me that when I serve the gods of self & pride -when I think I can do a better job with my life - I am hurting the one who loved me so much that He sacrificed His Son so He could spend eternity with me. (I John 4:10) This passage is also such an encouragement; I've read the following passage many times when I just need to hear that He loves me even when I'm unlovely, that He accepts me, finds me beautiful, cares for every detail of my life and heals every hurt I face. Yes, life is hard. I will have times of fighting God but I pray those times become less as I realize that while I can lament the ugly/unpleasant things in my life I can always trust that God is good and that He loves me...always!
Ezekiel 16:4-14
And as for your birth, on
the day you were born your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with
water to cleanse you, nor rubbed with salt, nor wrapped in swaddling
cloths. 5 No eye pitied you, to do any of these things to you out of compassion for you, but you were cast out on the open field, for you were abhorred, on the day that you were born.
6 “And when I passed by you and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’ I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’ 7 I made you flourish like a plant of the field. And you grew up and became tall and arrived at full adornment. Your breasts were formed, and your hair had grown; yet you were naked and bare.8 “When I passed by you again and saw you, behold, you were at the age for love, and I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness; I made my vow to you and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Lord God, and you became mine. 9 Then I bathed you with water and washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil. 10I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with fine leather. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk, 11 And I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck. 12 And I put a ring on your nose and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. 13 Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour and honey and oil. You grew exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. 14 And your renown went forth among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through the splendor that I had bestowed on you, declares the Lord God.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
A poem to share
Several years ago I found this poem and ever since have kept it in the cover to my Bible. There is no author listed and I don't even remember where I found the poem.
When I first saw this poem I thought it was a great reminder. As life has gone on, tragedies have struck, life has taken twists and turns that I never expected and there have been many hurts. Along with these there has been the clear guiding hand of God and I have seen many blessings and growth not just in myself but in others facing difficult or unexpected circumstances. The words of Isaiah ring so true
When I first saw this poem I thought it was a great reminder. As life has gone on, tragedies have struck, life has taken twists and turns that I never expected and there have been many hurts. Along with these there has been the clear guiding hand of God and I have seen many blessings and growth not just in myself but in others facing difficult or unexpected circumstances. The words of Isaiah ring so true
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

The Rose
It is only a tiny rosebud -
A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I -
The flower God opens so swetly
In my hands would fade and die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud
The flower of God's design,
Then how can I think I have wisdom
to unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust in Him for His leading
Each moment of every day,
And I'll look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
For the pathway that lies before me
My Heavenly Father knows -
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments
Just as He unfolds the rose.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Update on Goals and a few recipes to share.
I've finished some of my goals already so I thought I would update what is done. I also wanted to share two of my standby recipes. First, the goal update.
1) Finish reading "Crazy Love" - DONE
2) Read 2 presidential biographies (Garfield & Harding books are on the way) - finished one still reading the Harding book
3) Continue attending More for Moms & Mom's Night Out - Done so far
4) Continue running for as long as possible - Still running 4-5 times a week
5) Use Prenatal Fitness Fix DVD regularly - Not regularly but do this sometimes when I don't run.
6) Finish crocheting Keira's blanket - DONE
7) Crochet blanket for baby (once we find out gender) - still waiting to find out gender
8) Set up daily schedules (had forgotten about this but need to do this) - I don't do this every day but usually in the morning I make a list of what needs to be done that day.
9) Declutter kid's rooms - Not yet
10) Find and complete a Bible study of 1 John - Still need to find one.
And now for the recipes....
One thing that I have done for awhile now is make our own bread. It saves quite a bit of money and I'm able to control the ingredients. As life has gotten busier & busier I'm always looking for ways to simplify tasks. A few months ago I came across a recipe for one hour sandwich bread. Including baking time it takes just an hour. Then, several weeks ago I came across another recipe for 30 minute rolls. While I do find these take a bit longer than 30 minutes they are still quick. I've also shaped these to use as hamburger buns & that works well also .
One Hour Sandwich Bread:
**I have successfully substituted 1/2 of the flour with white whole wheat flour. I also usually add 2 TB of flax seed. I cook this is greased loaf pans and do not use the pan of water in the oven.
30 minute yeast rolls:
**I shape into 15 rolls (which are plenty big enough) and bake for 13-15 minutes. To make burger buns I shape into 12 flatter rolls and place on cookie sheet that has been sprinkled with corn meal. Bake the same as the rolls.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Some big changes...and redefining goals
Well, God certainly has a way of surprising us and changing things up to show that while we may make plans ultimately all is in His hands.
At the beginning of February we got a very big surprise when we found out that baby #5 is on the way. I have to admit the news was very overwhelming and I'm still adjusting to the idea and all of the changes and details that have to be worked out. God is showing me in many small ways that He is in control and already has these things worked out. As a planner, it's often hard for me to just "let go and let God".
I had my first appointment with my midwife on March 5th and we announced our coming addition to our family and friends after that visit. My due date is Sept. 26th.
So, needless to say my goals for this year have been changed a bit so I thought I would update. The good news is that I've gotten the okay from my midwife to continue running and exercising (with modifications) as long as I feel okay. So, here are my original goals and my updated goals.
1) Finish reading Creative Counterpart - DONE
2) Finish reading Crazy Love
3) Attend More for Moms (Bible Study group)
4) Attend Moms night out (Bible/Book Study group)
5) Continue with Running/P90X2 - STILL RUNNING HAD TO STOP P90X2
7) Be at college weight by June (have about 6lbs more to go) - MADE IT TO WITHIN 2LBS BEFORE PREGNANCY STOPPED THE WEIGHT LOSS
8) Slow Down - Don't overschedule
9) Finish some crocheted gifts for friends - DONE
10) Reevaluate grocery shopping habits & cut costs.
11) Complete 8 week fitness/weight loss challenge - DID MOST OF THIS, HAD TO STOP DUE TO MORNING SICKNESS
12) Set up a daily schedule - Redeem the time - Limit time on computer/phone.
13) Continue Rereading 1000 Gifts and working on list. - DONE REREADING, STILL ADDING TO THE LIST
New Goals:
1) Finish reading "Crazy Love"
2) Read 2 presidential biographies (Garfield & Harding books are on the way)
3) Continue attending More for Moms & Mom's Night Out
4) Continue running for as long as possible
5) Use Prenatal Fitness Fix DVD regularly
6) Finish crocheting Keira's blanket
7) Crochet blanket for baby (once we find out gender)
8) Set up daily schedules (had forgotten about this but need to do this)
9) Declutter kid's rooms
10) Find and complete a Bible study of 1 John
I may think of more as the year goes on but for now I'll leave it at that. The grocery goal is one that I'm going to say is done for now. Matt & I have discussed this and for now I'm doing the best I can with the eating priorities we have for our house (many fresh veggies, VERY limited processed foods, etc) and the fact that we have 4 growing kids who eat a lot :)
"The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps"
but the Lord establishes his steps"
Proverbs 16:9
I had my first appointment with my midwife on March 5th and we announced our coming addition to our family and friends after that visit. My due date is Sept. 26th.
So, needless to say my goals for this year have been changed a bit so I thought I would update. The good news is that I've gotten the okay from my midwife to continue running and exercising (with modifications) as long as I feel okay. So, here are my original goals and my updated goals.
1) Finish reading Creative Counterpart - DONE
2) Finish reading Crazy Love
3) Attend More for Moms (Bible Study group)
4) Attend Moms night out (Bible/Book Study group)
5) Continue with Running/P90X2 - STILL RUNNING HAD TO STOP P90X2
7) Be at college weight by June (have about 6lbs more to go) - MADE IT TO WITHIN 2LBS BEFORE PREGNANCY STOPPED THE WEIGHT LOSS
8) Slow Down - Don't overschedule
9) Finish some crocheted gifts for friends - DONE
10) Reevaluate grocery shopping habits & cut costs.
11) Complete 8 week fitness/weight loss challenge - DID MOST OF THIS, HAD TO STOP DUE TO MORNING SICKNESS
12) Set up a daily schedule - Redeem the time - Limit time on computer/phone.
13) Continue Rereading 1000 Gifts and working on list. - DONE REREADING, STILL ADDING TO THE LIST
New Goals:
1) Finish reading "Crazy Love"
2) Read 2 presidential biographies (Garfield & Harding books are on the way)
3) Continue attending More for Moms & Mom's Night Out
4) Continue running for as long as possible
5) Use Prenatal Fitness Fix DVD regularly
6) Finish crocheting Keira's blanket
7) Crochet blanket for baby (once we find out gender)
8) Set up daily schedules (had forgotten about this but need to do this)
9) Declutter kid's rooms
10) Find and complete a Bible study of 1 John
I may think of more as the year goes on but for now I'll leave it at that. The grocery goal is one that I'm going to say is done for now. Matt & I have discussed this and for now I'm doing the best I can with the eating priorities we have for our house (many fresh veggies, VERY limited processed foods, etc) and the fact that we have 4 growing kids who eat a lot :)
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Goals for 2013
I really enjoy the start of a new year. It's nice to look back on the previous year and see how God has led and blessed and also to evaluate where I need to grow. Originally I wasn't going to really set goals for this year but as I thought about it more I decided that there were a few things I'd like to get down "on paper" to hold me accountable. I'm sure there will be many more things as the year goes on but for right now these are the goals I have (in no particular order).
1) Finish reading Creative Counterpart
2) Finish reading Crazy Love
3) Attend More for Moms (Bible Study group)
4) Attend Moms night out (Bible/Book Study group)
5) Continue with Running/P90X2
6) Run all 3 Wild Rover Races
7) Be at college weight by June (have about 6lbs more to go)
8) Slow Down - Don't overschedule
9) Finish some crocheted gifts for friends
10) Reevaluate grocery shopping habits & cut costs.
11) Complete 8 week fitness/weight loss challenge
12) Set up a daily schedule - Redeem the time - Limit time on computer/phone.
13) Continue Rereading 1000 Gifts and working on list.
So, there they are :) I need to remember to review this list and keep these fresh in my mind.
1) Finish reading Creative Counterpart
2) Finish reading Crazy Love
3) Attend More for Moms (Bible Study group)
4) Attend Moms night out (Bible/Book Study group)
5) Continue with Running/P90X2
6) Run all 3 Wild Rover Races
7) Be at college weight by June (have about 6lbs more to go)
8) Slow Down - Don't overschedule
9) Finish some crocheted gifts for friends
10) Reevaluate grocery shopping habits & cut costs.
11) Complete 8 week fitness/weight loss challenge
12) Set up a daily schedule - Redeem the time - Limit time on computer/phone.
13) Continue Rereading 1000 Gifts and working on list.
So, there they are :) I need to remember to review this list and keep these fresh in my mind.
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