Thursday, February 9, 2012

Better late than never, right?!

Despite the fact that I didn't post my weekly goals on Monday I did still have some.  Most of them were things that I didn't accomplish last week with one or two new ones.

- On drinking more water I decided to actually measure how much my water bottle holds.  It's actually 24oz not 20oz so I'm probably hitting close to the 60oz mark since I drink over two a day..just not the full 3 I was wanting originally.

- I finished the sewing projects/mending that I had in my pile (last weeks goal).

- I didn't make the goal with the gifts list but it has helped to have it more in the front of my mind.

- A new goal for this week was to not eat anything after 8PM.  I actually started this one on Tuesday and so far so good (I know, I know, it's only been two days but it's a start).

So, there you have it.  Hopefully I'll get a list up Monday although next week is very busy so I'm not sure how many added goals I'll have.

(and yes, I realize it's only Thursday but I highly doubt I'll have time to post tomorrow and still wanted some accountability for myself this week).


  1. Great job, Elisha! I need, so badly, to follow your example in the water department. I just don't feel like drinking cold water in the winter. Which is crazy, since I do love water.

    I applaud you for finishing your sewing/mending pile. I have something (large) that needs mending that I have put off for over a year. It's hanging where I see it every day, and I sincerely hope to get that off my list today. Thanks for being a good example to me!

  2. Thank you Mrs. T. It feels good to be completing some half finished projects.

    I've enjoyed reading your weekly goals.
