Monday, September 11, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday 9/11/23

Joining in this week's Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom.  Another Monday!  Hard to believe that the middle of September is almost here. 

The Weather:

Cloudy and wet.  Rain is predicted for most of this week.  With Hurricane Lee forcasted to come up the East Coast it'll be interesting to see just how much rain we do get.

Outside my Window:

It's green and wet. 

Right Now I am:

Blogging, getting a slow start to today; I was able to schedule flu shots for the kids so that's one thing accomplished so far.

Thinking and Pondering:

So thankful for encouraging and refining Christian friendships; a close friend is moving soon as her  pastor-husband has been called to a church in another area of the country. Praising God for His clear leading but also feeling bittersweet about them moving so far away. 

Podcasts I'm listening to this week:

Tony Evans: The Urban Alternative - I learn so much from listening to Dr. Evans.  The ones I recently listened to were Titled: Trusting the God you Believe In.

On my T.V this week:

Not sure.  We did watch some of the NFL opening week games yesterday.  I grew up watching football and still enjoy watching it now and then.

On the Dinner Plate:

Tortellini & Sausage soup

On the Menu this week:

I don't have a set menu but I do know that I want to make the following meals:
Tortellini & Sausage soup
Beef Stew
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by JoAnna Weaver

On my To-Do list today:

Finish Laundry
Clean up from weekend
Make flu shot appts. ✓
Get together with friends

Plans for this week:

Keep up with housework.
Deep Clean laundry room
Clean Fridge
Get together with friends 2x
Take daughter for hair appt.

What I'm Creating:

I want to finish up a hook board that I started some time ago. I'm hoping to hang it in the kitchen for aprons.  Also hoping to start the graphgan since the weather is supposed to be a bit cooler this week.

From the Camera:

Nothing too exciting but we did have more wildlife happenings here.  We have a group of turkeys that regularly trek through our yard; however this was the first time we saw one up on our car! 

Highlight from Last week:

A wonderful phone conversation I had with our oldest.  Just really encouraging. 

Bible Verse/Devotional Quote:

Another thought from Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World:

"Are we willing to let God explode our comfort zone and expand our capacity for him? Or do we want a God we can manage?  Unfortunately, a lot of the time that is exactly what we want -- enough of God to make us happy, but not enough to make us change."

On My Prayer List:

Family & Friends who are ill

Kids away at college and kiddos here this school year.

Wisdom for parenting.


  1. Oh wow, how fun to see a turkey on top of the car! Hoping it didn't do any damage though as they are fairly large birds. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Wow, a turkey on top of your car! I've never seen anything like that before.

    And how wonderful that you could have such a great conversation with your oldest! What a blessing to a mom's heart!

  3. oh! that picture is startling, hope it didn't scratch the car though. Yay for your much needed rain. Haven't had the tortellini and sausage soup in a awhile, thanks for the reminder. Have a great week

    1. Thankfully no damage to the car. Hope you have a wonderful week too.

  4. Do you live on the east coast? We are in Eastern North Carolina. The soup sounds amazing, I'm a big fan of tortellini. I'm glad you had a good conversation with your girl, its hard when they aren't at home anymore! Have a great week!

    1. Yes, we're in New England. Looking like we might get more from Lee than you will. Have a great week too!
