Sunday, June 21, 2020

Savoring Sundays: Celebrating Fathers

Today is Father's Day and I wanted to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU!  to all the godly fathers out there striving to raise their kids for Christ.  This is an awesome task; one that can be both extremely hard but also extremely rewarding. 

Today we live in a culture that values fathers less and less.  Fathers are seen as an option not a necessity for raising healthy, well adjusted children.  Yet, the Bible speaks over and over of the importance of godly fathers.  God calls Himself our Father and often relates heavenly truths through the earthly relationship of a father with his children.  Psalm 103:13 says "As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him."  Children so need both a father and mother; we are created, not only unique individuals, but unique in the roles we fill in our children's lives.  There is fatherly wisdom that a mother, while meaning well and trying hard, just cannot provide.  Now, I recognize that there are many single moms out there; and I'm going to say something very politically incorrect here but please understand it is said with much love and compassion: you as single moms need godly men to step in and mentor your kids.  You really don't have to, and were never designed to, do it all for your kids.  This doesn't mean you need to date or remarry; but your kids do need godly men in their sphere of influence to come alongside you and them to give the male point of view and life experiences.  Just as we are currently being called to listen to and value those in our culture who have been marginalized; to learn from them.  Our kids need those male voices who experience life so very different than we do as women. This isn't in any way minimalizing your importance or influence as a mom; it is recognizing that, just as God gave women unique ways of viewing this world He also gifted men with unique viewpoints and wisdom; celebrating men's roles does in no way minimize our roles as moms, we can both be celebrated; and that is exactly God's design for raising children...male (fathers) and female (mothers) imparting to children the wisdom He gave each of them. 
I'll leave you with a final thought about fatherhood that I read regarding the second half of Proverbs 17:6 "...and the glory of children is their fathers." "Nothing so adorns children, and brightens their lives, like godly fathers and mothers." ~ Chris Brauns.  I recognize that many did not grow up with a godly earthly father and many had a less than desirable relationship with him; please know that your Heavenly Father is always there to show compassion to you and He loves you.  Mark 10:14 says "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."  So, whether you had a wonderful, godly childhood or one filled with pain; God is calling you to come be His child and experience His love, compassion and yes, even His loving discipline that leads you to His best for you.

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