Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Post 101!

I just noticed that my last post was my 100th post.  I thought of doing a giveaway but since I have a grand total of 6 followers and this is more a place for my own accountability I thought that might seem a bit ridiculous :)  So, for the 101th post I thought I'd share my new favorite timesaver tip.

Recently I find myself always wanting more time...more time to play with the kids, more time to make treats for my family, more time to spend on other things than cooking.  Don't get me wrong I love to cook & bake but there are times when I would love to just pull out a box mix.  We avoid box mixes and processed foods due to all the additives, etc.  and I figure why spend the extra money when I'm home and can make the same thing for much cheaper, and healthier. 

I found this post on Pinterest and was so excited.  Homemade mixes!!!  I had made homemade spice mixes before but hadn't thought about other mixes.  So far I've made a chocolate chip cookie mix and a pancake mix.  I'm planning to make many more mixes to have on hand.  They are quick to throw together and makes for a quick treat/meal.

A quick Google search will yield many, many different recipes for mixes.


  1. Congratulations on 101 posts!!! I so enjoy reading your blog.

    Thanks for sharing this post about mixes, too. I love making homemade substitutes for things I would ordinarily buy. There are tons of ideas out there. I also have two favorite books -- Make Your Own Groceries and More Make Your Own Groceries, by Daphne Metaxas Hartwig. These have many, many recipes for making things homemade. There are lots of mixes and many other items as well. Every recipe I've tried has worked out well. The books may be out of print but you might keep an eye out for them at thrift shops or used book stores. Happy mixing!

  2. Thank you! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for those books. I think I'll see if our library has them.
