Friday, November 5, 2010

Why being a SAHM is true liberation for women!

Let me start this off by saying that I have nothing against women working outside the home. I believe there are many circumstances where this is fine and even necessary. This post is to respond to society's idea that to be a truly liberated woman we must "do it all" -- have a career, take care of the kids and house and keep up with the men in every area.

God designed men and women differently, not better or worse than each other but simply with different roles. To embrace the roles God gave us as women is not giving up anything it is being free from trying to be happy in roles we were never intended to have or that were never intended to be the "Best" for us here on earth. Here is my "Top Ten" list of why choosing to be a Stay-At-Home-Mom is the highest form of womens liberation.

As a SAHM I am...

1) I am not bound by the stress caused by society's idea that I must do everything.
2) I am free to focus on the people most important to me, to help my marriage & home be the happiest and best it can be...which is also the best thing I can do for my kids.
3) I am free from any guilt that I'm shortchanging or neglecting those most important to me.
4) I am free to pursue any interest that I have.
5) I am free to develop the talents God has given me.
6) I am free to be available for my children to come to with joys, disappointments, hurts, questions, excitement, jokes and all other communications, to play and be silly without feeling be spontaneous.
7) I am free to be available to experience my children's firsts.
8) I am free to be the primary caregiver for my children, to not have someone else raising them 40-60 hours a week.
9) I am free to enjoy my accomplishments without worry that they may not "live up" to someone elses expectations or help a company meet their bottom line.
10) I am free to set my own schedule.

and a bonus one....
11) I am free to be hospitable; to meet with friends, to have people into my home, to minister to those around me as best I can.

This is not an exhaustive list but something that has been on my mind lately. What are your thoughts? How do you find being a Stay-at-home-mom or (dare I use the word :) ) Housewife liberating?

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