Thursday, August 28, 2008

A quick update.

I thought I would just do a quick update. We are doing well, I had my 32 wk appointment yesterday and both the baby & I are doing well. I do have some water retention and have started having pregnancy induced carpal tunnel again (I had this when I was pregnant with Ethan also). I have been trying to increase my fluid intake and am once again wearing my wrist brace at night.

This week has been nice as it's been much less busy than the last few months. I've really enjoyed being home and just spending some relaxing time with the kids. I have started to work at the projects on my "to-do" list also. So far I have made alot of progress on the hoodie sweater I'm making for Ethan, I had my car inspected, froze some meatballs & sauce for after the baby is born, and have kept up with the housework. I plan to really get busy on making the rest of the meals in the next week or two. I'm planning to make a big pot of chicken soup tomorrow and freezing half of that for after the baby is born.

So that is what we've been up to. Oh, and I wanted to share a quick story of how God has provided. After having Hailey we weren't planning on having any more kids so I sold all my maternity and baby clothes on E-bay. When I found out I was expecting again my sister offered me her maternity clothes, our taste in clothes can be very different so I took some but not all. I spent some money on some more clothes (mostly off of E-bay) so I had "enough" but not a huge selection. A few months ago my pastor's wife (who just had a baby in June) gave me a bag of her maternity clothes which included several nice summer dresses (something I was very much lacking). As for the baby clothes, my neighbor is big into going to yard sales so she had brought me a bag of baby clothes several months back and I had picked some up at the few yard sales I had been to this summer. I washed all the clothes and realized how few I still had, I had been watching several auctions on E-bay but the ones I liked went for way more money than I really wanted to spend. Once again, my pastor's wife offered me clothes, she said I could have all of the clothes that her baby girl has outgrown. So now I'm going to wait and see what I still need but I think this little girl should be set at least for the first couple of months (and I already know she's getting some clothes for Christmas!!).

I have realized how blessed we truly are and how perfect God's timing is for providing all that we need and how He truly does more than we could ever ask.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Elisha!

    It sounds as if everything is going well for you and the baby, and I am so impressed at how you are keeping up with preparing meals ahead for after the baby arrives. That is such good planning!

    It was neat to read your testimony of how God provided both maternity clothes *and* baby clothes. He is so faithful!

    God bless,
