Friday, February 15, 2008

A lesson on prayer.

Prayer is a topic that I've been studying lately.  I have been learning so much and am more amazed each day at the wisdom of the God that I serve.  

This past week I read about when God answers prayer.  While most of it was a review there was one thing that struck me as very profound and something I'd "read over" many times but had never hit me.  Under this subject of God answers it was said that while we always want a "Yes" to our requests God's other answers include "No", "Wait" and "Trust".  I had heard that before but one of the examples that was given was of Mary & Martha when Lazarus died (John 11).  These women who loved Jesus and were friends of his sent him a message telling him that Lazarus was very ill.  But notice Jesus' response in verses 4-6.  He didn't run right to them.  He simply stated that Lazarus wouldn't die from this illness, Jesus loved Mary & Martha yet he stayed where he was for 2 more days before going to them!  His answer to their request was "wait".  

To these women the situation looked hopeless.  Jesus hadn't come, Lazarus had died and was now buried.  When Jesus shows up they even say "if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died" (verse 21), while Jesus was sad and deeply affected by the death of Lazarus He knew that a greater purpose would be served (refer to verse 4).  Jesus then raises Lazarus from the dead (proving that the sicknes wasn't "unto death") and many that were gathered there to comfort Mary & Martha believed on Jesus (verse 45).

If Jesus had come right away and healed Lazarus it could have been said that Lazarus simply recovered; however, there was no doubting the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (the Son of God was glorified, verse 4).  Not only that but there would not have been all the other mourners there (verses 18 & 19 state that many Jews had come from Jerusalem to comfort Mary & Martha in their loss).  Jesus waited to come so that all these people would be there, as witnesses to this miracle that many would believe on him and gain eternal life.

So often our vision is so narrow and clouded that we can't see the whole picture.  Praise God that we serve Him who knows all and will answer our prayers according to His purposes and His timing.  When, from a human standpoint, all seemed hopeless God was working to bring glory to His Son and many to a saving faith!  

I would encourage you to read thru this chapter and prayerfully apply these truths to situations in your own life that may seem hopeless, or discouraging and thank God that He knows the beginning from the end and will work all things for His glory (John 11:4, 40), our good (Jeremiah 29:11) and for our growth (Hebrews 13:20-21).


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Elisha. It is so true. I have heard it said that when a situation looks hopeless, that is when God really begins to work, because only He can get the glory in a hopeless or seemingly impossible situation.

    It's really amazing how the more we learn of God and His Word, the more it seems there is to learn!

  2. Thank you Mrs.T You're so right, there is so much to learn. It's very exciting to me. Thank you for stopping by :)
