For her party she had decided that she wanted a "Lightlings" birthday. What is "Lightlings" you's a wonderful allegory tale written by R.C. Sproul. He has 4 of these allegory books all written to help children understand the attributes of God. This particular book explains why some people are afraid of the Light and prefer to live in darkness. The end of each book has a clear explanation of the allegory and 3 of the books have a parents section where there are discussion questions. My son also loves these books too. I bought them all from Amazon and got a pretty good deal on them.
So, when she said she wanted a "Lightlings" birthday I had to figure out what to do (there are no "Lightlings" themed party items :) ). The characters in the book look like woodland sprites/fairies so we went with that look for the party. I thought I would share just a couple pictures from yesterday. All the party items were purchased at the dollar store; the total for decorations, favors, and tableware came to just under $35 dollars (had to add sales tax for everything so it wasn't an exact dollar amount).
The Birthday Girl:
The Cake:
Some crocheted "oven mitts" for her play kitchen (her present from her baby sister ;) ):