Friday, March 28, 2014

Quick family update

I realized that I haven't done a family update on here in ages, so I thought I'd do a short one.  2014, so far, has been a fairly good year. 

Personally, I started off the New Year trying to get back into shape.  I did well with exercising and watching my eating thru January and February.  March has been a different story due to death, sickness and other interruptions but I haven't gained any weight (yay for nursing) and am planning to jump back in as the new month begins next week.  My Lent "fast" from Facebook has been going well and God decided that I needed an even bigger break from technology and had my phone break.  I'm using a temporary phone right now (same number) and will hopefully have my phone back in a week or so.  I'm also reading thru several books and am hoping to keep my reading up throughout the year.  I've also gotten some organizing and decluttering done.

Matt & I are both looking forward to some fun things this year including a vacation with family, going to see The Phantom of the Opera (finally fulfilling this dream :) ), and running some obstacle course races together.  It's always great when we can do things together that we enjoy so much and continue to "date" each other.

Ethan is in fourth grade this year and is doing very well.  He loves his teacher and classmates.  One of his best friends moved away over the Christmas break so that was a hard adjustment for him but we're planning to keep in touch once they get a permanent address.  He loves to read and has really been enjoying the "Eragon" series this year.  He's also really gotten into the "Narnia" series and will be performing in a play of "The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe" at school.  He turned 10 in December and it's bittersweet to see how much he's changing; he's definitely not a little boy anymore and is in the tween stage.  It's fun to have him "get" the jokes that we tell and be able to converse with him on an older level but it's also sad to realize how quickly time has passed.

Hailey is in third grade now and love it.  She loves her teacher and is thriving at school.  She also loves to read and has about 5 books that she's reading thru, depending on her mood.  She'll be 9 in a month and is also not so little anymore.  She and I have had some great conversations about growing up but can still be silly together.  She LOVES "Frozen" and has memorized most of the songs and a lot of the movie (much to her brother's annoyance).  She loves music (just like her mama) and we have a lot of fun singing together. 

Keira is in Kindergarten this year and is doing well.  She also loves her teacher and is very excited about learning to read.  She can now read simple sentences and is learning her phonics rules.  She loves to draw cards and pictures for her siblings and parents.  She also loves to hang out watching movies and is crazy about anything "My Little Pony". 

Titus will be four in a couple weeks and continues to be our ball of energy.  Hailey said the other day that "life would be too quiet without Titus" and she's right.  He loves superheros, dinosaurs, cuddles, Doctor Who, Skylanders and any game that he can play.  He's recently discovered Mastermind so we play a lot of that.  He also plays Stratego, Candyland and Diego 1,2,3.  He also loves any type of art project.  He keeps me company while the other kids are at school and he dotes on his baby sister. 

Amy will be six months old next week and is growing well.  She loves to be held and be in the middle of everything.  I always say the more that is going on around her, the happier she is (you can definitely tell she's the youngest of five).  She loves her walker, rattles, and any other toy she can get her hands on.  She also loves her siblings and gives lots of squeals, smiles and giggles.  Ethan taught her how to blow raspberries so she enjoys that also.  She isn't moving around much yet but if we put her into a sitting position she can hold herself for a bit.

Here are Amy's 6 month picture and Titus' 4yr picture:

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