Friday, February 28, 2014

My journey to observing Lent

Disclaimer: This post will most likely be rambling and stream of consciousness as many things led me to this place.

Growing up Lent was something that Catholics did, I didn't really know what it was and didn't bother to learn because I'm not Catholic.  Over the last few years I've had a couple of friends (non-Catholic) choose to observe Lent.  Again, I didn't think much of it and saw it more as a way to build some will power, great for them but not something I bothered with.

Fast forward to the start of 2014.  We started a study in our small groups at church entitled "Follow Me" by David Platt.  This study has challenged me in so many ways.  There have been times that, while watching the DVD sessions I've been so blown away that I literally catch my breath and tear up.  Trust me, this is not normal for me, especially since most of what he says are things I've heard all of my life.  In this series we've been studying what it really means to be willing to give up everything for Jesus, to hold everything with open hands trusting that as our loving Father He will always do what's best whether or not we understand the "whys". 

Let me take a rabbit trail here and explain something....I was raised (as I think we all were) on the American Dream.  Work hard and get what you "deserve".  Now, there's nothing wrong with hard work, in fact the Bible tells us to work hard and not be lazy.  But the Bible also says to care for the poor & needy.  How much of the American Dream mentality is really focused on others...not much.  I grew up in a rural setting and rarely encountered homeless people.  When I did my attitude was "that's so sad, they should get a job"  or I'd assume that they were alcohol/drug addicts and so I shouldn't give them money because they'd just spend it on their vice.  Sad to say, that was my attitude, and yes it's shameful and hateful and not loving or a reflection of Christ in any way. 

When I became a parent my attitudes started to change.  I found myself telling my kids "it doesn't matter what the other person does, you're only responsible for your actions" and then I'd hear God saying "are you listening to yourself" or I'd say "be kind to other's and be Jesus to them" and God would say "are you doing this".  My answer sadly, was no.  One day I saw someone asking for money and God finally got thru to me.  It doesn't matter what that person does with what I give them, I'm simply told to give.  Jesus didn't put qualifiers on His command to help the poor, he simple said to help them. 

Another thing that got me thinking about the entitlement attitudes and excesses of our society is a little girl in a country far away.  She is 5 1/2, the same age as my little girl; only this girl couldn't afford to go to school, she didn't always get good meals, and she has family troubles.  God placed her in my life thru Compassion International and I have grown to love this little girl thru her letters.  She recently had to move out of her home, I don't know why.  The amount I send each month (an amount that most of us probably spend on impulse purchases several times a year) provides schooling, food, gifts and most importantly teaching about Jesus who loves her beyond what she could ever imagine.

So, how does this all tie into Lent?  Because, for me, this year, choosing to observe Lent is about choosing to hold things with an open hand, choosing to deny some of the excesses of society.  I'm not doing anything Earth shattering or that will change the world.  Next Tuesday night I'll be uninstalling Facebook from my phone, logging out from my computer and not using it until after Easter.  I want to use the time to focus on evaluating the excesses in my life and working thru changes I want to make.  I'm hoping to get at least one or two posts up documenting these changes.  I'm hoping to do a clean-out-the-pantry week or two to focus on planning meals to use up what we have and hopefully discover many budget friendly meals.  I'm looking forward to this time of unplugging and am excited to see where God will take me, as the journey with Him is always full of surprises. :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. I will be praying for you through your journey!
