Thursday, May 24, 2012

Goal update...a bit late..and another low cal treat

So, here is how I did last week on my goals:
1) Read chapter in "Be Satisfied" - Nope
2) Clean off desk - I'm calling this done because I did clean off all the old papers, even though some have been replaced with new things I need to deal with
3) Finish last week of bootcamp. - DONE
4) Run 5K on Saturday - DONE and I beat my previous time by over 5 min!
5) Have family for dinner on Friday - DONE
6) Keep up with daily housework - DONE
7) Finalize plans for teacher gift - DONE
8) Get (and mail) card/gift for friend in hospital. - DONE
9) Decide on next verse/passage to memorize. (Yes, I finally finished Matt. 5:1-12) - Nope, forgot all about this.

So, this week I do have some goals but since it's Thurs. I'll just wait until next week to post new goals.  In the mean time, here is another low cal treat for you to enjoy.  I'm sure this could easily be made with gluten free flour for those with diet restrictions.  It is also egg free and could easily be made dairy free by substituting a non-dairy yogurt (such as soy or coconut based).

I love "mug" desserts but even those single servings can be very high in calories.  Here is a low calorie version of the mug brownie.  I really enjoyed it!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the goals!

    And I will have to try the brownie recipe -- it looks fantastic!
