Saturday, February 21, 2009

A homemade life

Carrie over at Life on a Back Road has recently started a weekly feature called "A homemade life" where she encourages her readers to share what they are making at home.

This week was a busy week here as I was preparing for an open house/game night that we were having. I did quite a bit of baking & cooking which was a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed it too. I made four different kinds of cookies: M&M, Oatmeal Raisin, Mint Brownie Bites, and Sugar cookies with Rolos. I also made homemade baked egg rolls and mini-quiches.

Everyone seemed to really enjoy the food and the egg rolls were very poplular.

I was hoping to have some time to work on a sweater I'm crocheting but I wasn't able to find the time. Hopefully this week I'll have a bit more time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Elisha! I knew you would have some good homemade ideas! Sometime could you post the recipe for the baked egg rolls? We love egg rolls, but I hate deep frying. Thanks!

    God bless,
